
The northern forests of Vermont take me the nearest I’ve been to another country in quite some time and I make it a point to drive out toward the border into Quebec just to have a look. It’s occurred to me that I may be squandering an amount of my youth (what remains of it, anyway) in this aimless reiteration of the United States, but the journey has always been about completing the book and the book winds and winds within the borders but never compels me to leave them. Hector and I share a sandwich and head back the way we came, stopping by ‘The Supernatural Reserve’ to see how things could always be a little worse.
‘For all that Americans like to tell their ghost stories, the only ghost that has been certified as real by the Federal Government currently resides at ‘The Supernatural Reserve’ in Vermont. Advertised as ‘Felicia Gonzales’ little slice of paradise,’ ‘The Supernatural Reserve’ is an old mansion maintained in a perpetual state of disrepair as an homage to the early days of Gonzales’ haunting, when she terrorized a succession of families who sought refuge from the city and were naïve enough to overlook the too-good-to-be-true price tag. Each family’s attempt to exorcise the old woman from the house involved the destruction of her remaining personal items and, eventually, her mortal remains which had been exhumed from the grounds for the detection of ‘satanic or otherwise devilish iconography,’ none of which was found. Given these circumstances, little is known about Gonzales as she lived which is the primary reason that she has been stripped of her humanity in death.
The close secondary reason for the stripping of Gonzales’ humanity is the supernatural patience with which she bears disgrace. The burnings, for instance, seemed to annoy the ghost but did nothing to decrease the frequency of her hauntings. The only indications of anger noted in this period were perceived as increasingly frequent side-eyeing as Gonzales acted out the final hours before the fatal lightning strike that would kill her. Whether this patience is borne of the otherworldly state, or whether the woman has always been willing to turn the other cheek is hotly debated by resident parapsychologists, both sides of which test the lengths of her calm unendingly.
The final culprit in Gonzales’ dehumanizing is the operation of ‘The Supernatural Reserve’ through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Department, which is standard procedure for most reserves, natural or otherwise. People aren’t really accounted for in the department’s wheelhouse and, given Gonzales’ unique situation, they’ve had no blueprint from which to work. In the absence of novel solutions, the department proposed that ‘The Supernatural Reserve’ be treated like any other. Visitors are kept to certain numbers and the mansion is kept exactly as it was found, the cracks neither fixed nor allowed to widen. Gonzales is left to fend for herself in her ‘natural habitat,’ with the exception, of course, of the researchers who sometimes dress in period clothes or leap from closets in an attempt to jar her from her cycle, all the while assuring their superiors that the process is all quite scientifically sound.
It’s easy to see that Gonzales has become a harried specter. Her side-eyes have become frantic, as though she’s wrestled just that from the loop she treads each day and sees, now, the shuffling crowds in her peripheries. The loops have become long and erratic, never changing, exactly, but often freezing or repeating in the middle like a lazy plotline. Her clothes have become tattered and unwashed and they hang from her form. She is, by all accounts, dying and nobody seems to know what that means for her.
Paranormal activists have drawn parallels between Gonzales’ behavior and the pacing of a tiger kept too long in a zoo. They’ve joined the researchers and the tourists at the site, organizing rallies and sit-ins, sometimes breaking into the mansion in the evenings to steal items they believe Gonzales may be anchored to. The ghost carries on in the meantime, seemingly oblivious if not for the wide-eyed gaping with which she performs her mortal chores.’
Hector is not at all impressed with ‘The Supernatural Reserve,’ intuiting something in the smell or aura of the place that eludes me. I had suspected an amount of tackiness and am surprised by just how understated the grounds really are. If not for signs and a few ADA compliant structures for leveling out the forested approach, the mansion would look like any of a number of derelicts I see off the side of highways.
Gonzales is in the kitchen, which is where all the current visitors are as well. Signs in the preceding rooms point out historical motifs that were added along the way by the families that attempted to live with the ghost but, as expected, nothing of Gonzales’ remains. A family peels off from the group as I arrive and I slide neatly into an opening with which to view the woman. She’s feeding something into a fireplace- wood, I assume at first, but as she continues to shudder and loop I see it’s more likely invisible food fed into a pot that no longer hangs there. An official stands nearby and whistles each time one of the children present attempts to run a stick through the apparition.
“Save it for the yard,” he shouts.
The yard is the only portion of the grounds at which visitors are allowed to interact with Gonzales. Interact, in this case, means further whipping of the stick through her form, trying to kiss, hug, or scare the woman, and, for one man at least, lying on the ground in her path to ascertain whether or not he can see up her dress. Gonzales does not appear in pictures so the march is free of that, at least, and compared to the time she spent in the kitchen I can’t help but feel as though she hurries through the yard to be done with it all.
“That’s intermission, folks,” the man calls and he climbs into his truck to smoke.
Intermission occurs when Gonzalez retreats to the outhouse to relieve herself, a scene that live-in families found so unseemly that they tore the structure down and replaced it with a nearby boulder. For the last half-century, Gonzales is able to disappear into the boulder for this business, at the very least, and she spends the vast majority of each afternoon in solitude before finishing up the last few chores and combusting. Researchers have lobbied to have the boulder removed, arguing it’s historical only up to a point, but the operators have remained opposed, citing their current ‘as-is’ procedure with a particular sneer. Activists pile books, magazines, and other reading material around the boulder to express the woman’s need for privacy.
With Gonzales solidly entombed, Hector is a little more willing to take a walk and relieve himself as well. I consider waiting for ‘intermission’ to end but worry, already, that Gonzales has seen me among her tormentors. I’ve had enough of ghosts already and wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end when the patience with which she performs her scenes turns to wrath. Hector and I dive back into the Midwest, instead, no more or less haunted than before.
‘It’s easy to draw parallels between ‘Delaney’s Orchard,’ covered elsewhere in this book, and ‘The Gorechard’ of Southern California. They’re both functioning orchards and they both produce uneaten fruit and uneasy feelings. As is often the case, the difference comes down to motive- the churning of bones by the roots of ‘Delaney’s’ peach orchard is the consequence of good intentions gone awry. ‘The Gorechard’ is exactly what it’s supposed to be.’
Most literature on the matter recommends a spring or summer visit to ‘The Gorechard,’ when the fruit has begun to ripen and ‘Judgement Day’ looms but it’s early autumn by the time Hector and I arrive and the festivities have long passed us by. ‘The Gorechard’ is something of a misnomer for what is really a series of independently owned farms, each with their own names and each with their orchards so closely pressed that it’s easy to mistake them for a single, massive enterprise. The fruit grown in the orchards is not intended for consumption nor does it have an official name (which is to say it has so many nicknames that nobody can quite agree what to call it). Come ‘Judgment Day,’ it’s my understanding that attendees just refer to it as ‘rot.’
Rot is grown in ‘The Gorechard’ strictly for the sake of competition, cherry-like in its early stages but increasingly deformed as it expands toward ripeness. Winning rot has been measured with diameters of three feet and lengths of nearly four and half. Weights vary with purpose: some competitions require a minimal pit while others focus on size and weight specifically. The result of most competitions is rot that swells under the constraint of its own skin. It sags like a sick, alien cocoon from the tree, translucent except for a dappling of inner clots. Most rot will burst well before Judgement Day and that’s the trick, really. Competitors cultivate several strains in order to hedge their bets.
We pass by several orchards before I begin to spot a few clumps of rot still hanging from the trees. A booth in the parking lot down the road is vacant but a man steps out from his house to gather an entry fee.
“Wouldn’t touch’em if I were you,” he tells me, “They’re due just about any day now.”
“Didn’t win you any prizes?”
“They’re breeding trees out in the south field,” he says, counting the money, “Little longevity from those helps to keep things nice and juicy for the measuring.”
At the core of all this competing is the rot’s tendency to burst at agitation, spraying thick, blood-like ichor as it drops its pit. Most measuring competitions require that the rot hold up for the duration of the measurement but explode with a pin-prick afterward, proving peak ripeness. The insides smell like rotten milk and are often already infested with the larvae of a local fly that skitters incessantly across its surface and penetrates the skin with it microscopic ovipositor. The result is a horror scene, unfolded in an instant, and images of the aftermath are often flagged for censorship online, no different in presentation than the morbid snapshots of fatal car collisions.
Hector and I stand near the breeding trees for a while before I find a small stone and, with the blessing of the man out front, nail a clean shot to hanging rot several trees down simply to see it for myself. It performs the grotesque expulsion and the tree shakes with its sudden release of burden. Unfortunately, the shaking tree begins to burst the rest of its fruit and the fruit of the trees around it. Anchored, as I am, by an ancient rabbit on a leash, I don’t quite make it out of the blast zone in time.
The man out front laughs, initially, but then he offers a shower and a change of clothes while mine run through the wash. It’s not the sort of kindness I may have taken in the early days of all this but, more and more, I find every reason to linger a while with people who will have me. We watch my clothes stiffen on the line as the sun sets over ‘The Gorechard,’ illuminating the last of the season’s rot like shards of red glass.
‘‘With an eye on Paris’ physical meter, measured in expensive lengths of platinum-iridium, the nation’s movie industry reacted to the early-eighties’ rise of the American sex comedy with a similar solution. Rather than rely on the memories of Hollywood’s aging elite (or the notoriously exaggerated descriptions provided by the then-modern teens) a group of troublesome youth were supplied a stipend, a venue, and enough booze and alcohol to throw a party as they saw fit. Two-way mirrors and cameras allowed the industry’s writers to harvest plot seeds from the all-year party (later shortened to ‘The All-Party’) and to have a reasonable defense when the prudish MPA inevitably tried to slap them with anything above an ‘R’ rating for being unrealistically gratuitous.
‘The All-Party’ was meant to be a temporary project, funded by three producers, each with a specific script in mind. When those films were inevitably lost in the late-eighties oversaturation of sex-romps, the producers prepared to disperse ‘The All-Party’ but were approached by a new batch of filmmakers, freshly arrived to try their own hand at the bloated concept. So it came to be that ‘The All-Party’ was handed down for decades, outliving many of the original participants and informing the silver screen’s understanding of what it meant to be a modern teenager for far longer than the initial one-year run. As party-goers aged out (passing the threshold even for ‘skeevy college-aged alum’) they were dragged off in their alcohol-induced slumber to be replaced by some wide-eyed transfer whose only goal in life was to comfort his crush when she’s dumped by the jock. These rookies were quietly poached from schools nationwide, usually students who had been expelled for (or dropped-out to pursue) little ‘All-Parties’ of their own.
Unfortunately for realists, ‘The All-Party’ is no platinum bar and the unit by which Hollywood measures its characters has long since warped into something altogether different. A crackdown on child endangerment has led to ‘The All-Party’s’ youngest recruits being 18. The result is that most high school melodramas are played out by full-fledged adults who tower over their lockers and struggle to act as though they’re only just learning about sex.
More importantly, ‘The All-Party’ is changed by the vacuum that maintains it, fermenting into something that is more itself than was ever initially intended. It has become such a concentrated pit of deviancy that writers now work to dilute what they witness through its mirrors in order to provide something remotely palatable to their global audience.
Participants emerge from ‘The All-Party’ with no understanding of society. They shuffle to music they no longer hear, sleep for only hours at a time, and suffer painful drug and alcohol withdrawals. Many are injured from cruel, slapstick stunts performed around the ‘The All-Party’s’ pool. Many are wracked with guilt or anxiety for having felt, for so long, that ‘The All-Party’s’ fictional parents would be arriving sooner than expected and that ‘the mess’ would need to be cleaned up before that time. Since 2007, when a drug-resistant form of gonorrhea was traced back to ‘The All-Party,’ all out-going participants are quarantined for two weeks and subject to a battery of tests upon exit. The quiet solitude of their hospitable bed is known to trigger panic attacks and therapists stand by to ease their post-party depressive episodes.
Just one of ‘The All-Party’s’ two-way mirrors are accessible to the public. Voyeurs treat ‘The All-Party Overlook’ as a sort of pilgrimage site but are often disappointed at what they find there. Those willing to describe what they saw relate a scene more evocative of science fiction or body horror than your average straight-to-streaming comedy and they grimace and shrug and wonder aloud how such a thing could even be legal.’
-an excerpt, Autumn by the Wayside
Perhaps you remember, years ago, the day I was kidnapped by a witch hunter and rescued by the Stranger. I’ve recovered from the event, inundated by a slew of further traumas in the meantime. One might even suggest I’ve learned something, though, if that’s the case, ‘The Second Place for Follower’s of the Gray Witch, Roki’ is undoubtedly the first test of that theoretical knowledge.
‘(sponsored content)
Following the destruction of ‘The [Original] Place for Follower’s of the Gray Witch, Roki,’ ‘The Second Place for Follower’s of the Gray Witch, Roki’ is second in name, only. Now offering space for both followers of the Gray Witch, Roki (any branch) AND friends and family of followers of the Gray Witch, Roki (up to four), ‘The Second Place for Followers of the Gray Witch, Roki’ is the nation’s number one choice for card-carrying followers, friends, and family alike. Please limit familiars to one-per-follower (as the Dust Tome mandates).
(sponsored content)’
I’m not at all nervous about the visit until my sheet of counterfeit membership cards slides from a machine in the local print shop and I begin the tedious process of cutting them out. The edges of the first as so mangled by my nervous tremors that it wouldn’t pass muster with even the least invested bouncers or doormen. Like casting a spell or embellishing a resume, the use of a counterfeit credential requires an expenditure of some kind- a little sacrifice, even if its just the energy necessary to maintain a commitment to the bit.
I manage cleaner cuts on the next few, but I start to wonder exactly how official an organization like ‘The Followers of the Gray Witch, Roki’ would be on paper. The most official document I own, my driver’s license, is pretty ratty and it still gets me into bars. Do followers keep their membership cards clean or is there an amount of blood staining or smoke damage lending credence to the pass?
I’ve got six counterfeit cards, when all is said and done, each on heavy card stock and each looking more or less authentic depending on cut. I take some of the worst and fold them a few times. I rub one in dirt and let Hector chew the corner off another. I consider coaxing a drop or two of blood from a scrape on my knee but draw the line at handing bodily fluids over to a cult. I think of myself cautious but understand how it may look, to an outsider, like superstition. I squint and settle on the first one that doesn’t make me feel a nervous flutter in my stomach.
‘The Second Place for Followers of the Gray Witch, Roki’ is a sprawling complex, meant to be condos before the housing collapse and, now, a solid investment on the part of the cult or, alternatively, the sect of witch-hunters that attempts to lure the cultists in. The woman who previously kidnapped me claimed there were only three of her kind but, given that deceit was the basis for the interaction, her word doesn’t hold a lot of weight. In my mind, the chances of ‘The Second Place for Followers of the Gray Witch, Roki’ being another trap is about equal to it being the real thing.
Which presents a new problem with the cards. The hunters of the followers of the Gray Witch, Roki seem like the type to burn first and ask questions later. Discovering the membership card on my person won’t do me any favors if I’m suspected of being in the fold. The more counterfeit a card appears, the more likely it is I might convince hunters that I am what I am- a curious traveler with a strange pet. Too counterfeit, though, and it won’t pass by a true believer.
Hector scuttles about in his carrier as, an hour later, I hover over a public garbage can and examine the six cards, talking myself into and out of each. I consider bringing them all so that I can improvise on the spot, depending upon the legitimacy of the welcome. A witch-hunter means I bluff a clear counterfeit from the back of my wallet, a follower situation means I pull a clean-cut, authentically-worn card from my breast pocket. A shakedown reveals all the cards which, in either scenario, might suggest a lovable interloper (which is the truth I tell myself). In reviewing them again I find, to my dismay, that even the nicely printed cards have begun to wilt under examination.
I return to the copy center to print another round and find the self-service machine is out of order. The woman behind the counter offers to let me use the machine in the back so I step through the ‘employees only’ door and into a small, dark room- empty except for a chair and bindings. The door locks in time for me to notice a pattern scrawled on the floor underfoot and the woman moving in the shadows, now clad in a robe.
“Ah ha!” she smiles, “I see my sigils have held against you, sir!”
I wonder- which card do I show her first?
Certain things were quite a bit easier back when I had the truck. Almost everything, really. I’ve mostly moved on but there are nights, usually bitter cold or stormy, when I’d happily shell out the past years’ extra gas money for a consistent roof over my head, for the stale but familiar leather-smelling atmosphere of the cab. The tent I own is stale in its own way. The smell of it lingers on my hands after I roll it up- mildew and smoke. I smell it when I eat or scratch my nose or brush my teeth. The truck felt like a place I could leave and somehow the tent stays with me, even when it’s sealed up and packed away.
Maybe I just need a new tent.
In most ways, the motorcycle is as good as the truck and in a few cases it’s allowed me to check in on a location that its predecessor, stiff with arthritic rust, made difficult. Take, for instance, ‘The All’s Fair Food Festival.’
‘‘The All’s Fair Food Festival’ traces its roots back to a parking lot on the outskirts of Marfa where an unnamed Mexican food truck served the workforce of half a dozen nearby factories for a few successful, but uneventful years. When the truck was ‘discovered’ by a local magazine, the lot was quickly gentrified and the original proprietors quietly disappeared. The lot owners were so stunned by the sudden influx of wealth that they didn’t realize how many zoning laws were being bent until several were being flagrantly broken. When the authorities arrived with a laundry list of fines, the tightly-packed vendors were unceremoniously evicted, provoking the sort of ire that only white, middle-aged hipsters can produce when their fusion tacos are threatened: petty, self-congratulatory, and ultimately ineffective.
‘The All’s Fair’ was established to take advantage of a loophole in which food vendors were allowed to sell at gun shows and, in Texas, gun shows are allowed to occur at any time and place with the bare minimum of paperwork. The city council (older, perhaps, but equally petty and white) moved quickly to distinguish the two types of event and, within a month, the lot was vacant once more with the exception of a man who sells assault rifles out of the trunk of his car but can’t so much as lend a stick of gum without incurring a cease and desist.
In one last bout of whimsy, ‘The All’s Fair’ took to the streets in a very mobile way. Half-protest, half-parade, the trendiest food trucks began to patrol the downtown at speeds well below the recommended speed limit, upsetting traffic flow and allowing bystanders to purchase food at a normal walking pace. Truck owners were arrested, vehicles were impounded, but the ‘cause’ gathered enough traction to break national news and soon the outskirts of Marfa were swarmed with mobile restaurants from all over the nation. Paralyzed by the sudden gridlock, city council did what it probably could have initially: nothing. The proprietors of ‘The All’s Fair,’ who greatly outnumbered potential customers, mostly dispersed within a fortnight.
What remains is ‘The All’s Fair’ in name, only. A core of the original broke from Marfa like a glider in the Game of Life and remains on an incessant tour, sometimes colliding with existing pods, enhancing or collapsing them. The offerings and owners change with each collision or breakdown and an eventual total degradation seems likely. What matters for the time being seems only to be perpetual movement. The trucks will stops for lights and signs but never for customers. If one wishes to order from ‘The All’s Fair,’ one must be willing to keep up.’
I catch up to ‘The All’s Fair Food Festival’ on I-90 and follow it past several cities before I decide it’s a now-or-never type situation. When the road empties and straightens, I take a chance with a passing-lane and rev the bike’s engine, pulling up beside the tail-end of the caravan. A man inside toggles a switch and his voice blasts through a speaker mounted on the truck’s outer wall. Dark smoke streams like exhaust from the roof behind it.
“What can I get for you?”
It’s hard to really take in the menu but it seems like your average pizza-by-the-slice eatery. Checking that I still have time ahead, I open my visor and shout back.
“A pepperoni.”
The bike wobbles beneath me and I miss something on the speaker as I lose speed. I think of Hector in the back and wish this was something I’d done before his life depended on my driving. I grit my teeth and pull forward again.
“A pepperoni,” I shout again.
“We’re all out,” the speakers screams, “We’ve got the, uh… cheese. We’ve got the Hawaiian. The carnivore which is like, all the meats and some peppers. We’ve got the marg…”
“The carnivore,” I shout, mainly because it’s the last thing he’s said and I want to get this over with.
He tells me a light on the back of the truck will flash green when the order’s ready and we spend several nail-biting minutes handing cash back and forth.
I pull off at the next likely stop and eat the slice of pizza which is neither particularly good nor particularly warm. Hector sniffs at the crust and I spend nearly an hour sitting in the sun, trying to discover, with a relatively unstable cell-signal, whether a small piece would be acceptable for an otherwise healthy-eating rabbit.
I’ll say this about the truck- I spent less time in the sun, less time sitting on benches, like this, or in the grass. It’s not all bad, this thing that I’m doing, and it’s taught me, again, that I don’t want to die. That seems worth four dollars, at least.
Rear View Mirror
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